Monday, March 2, 2009


When I woke up this morning I noticed something was missing
'cause my brain keeps on talking but know my body won't listen
There's some cells in my head arriving DOA, dead,
I tell you life is so mean when you don't have dopamine
Now my body won't cooperate, it's like it's on a separate
circuit, now it's dead, and my legs feel like lead
But I'll walk down this road, I swear I'll carry my load
I'm going to fight to the end, and I won't break, 'cause I can bend

I want to scream but I won't because all that stress
Will cut me down if I don't get a grip on this mess
This isn't fair, but then nothing I know is
It's just the luck of the draw, I guess I drew the short straw
I do believe, and I'll never give up my hope
And I won't leave now I've got nowhere else to go
I do conceive of the day when ganglia show
Up again on the scene to transmit dopamine for me

Now dope isn't dope, drugs make you stupid and bitter
But I say dopamine's down 'cause it's a neurotransmitter
It gives you just what you need to kick you up high speed
Guess what ? Without it you'd freeze. It'd knock you down to your knees
Well I was prime in my time, yeah I could pick up a dime
Now check out how I seize, locked up on Parkinson's Disease
I couldn't run if I tried, It's always there at my side

Let me explain once again that these chains that I bear
Don't get me down, I get up, now I won't ever run scared
And I don't care if you stare at this body that I wear
That's just fine and in no time I'll be better, I swear
It's no friend, but then again there's so much PD has taught me
Who could say I'd be better if it hadn't of caught me
I laugh through the tears but isn't that what you do ?
I've no fear 'cause it's near, my shaking day's will be through

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